

The graduates of English universities are forever being held up to American college students as paragons of academic perfection. Among their virtues is cited an undeniable readiness in public expression and repartee, which is fostered by such open forums as the Oxford Union. In the belief that a counterpart of this phase of English university life was needed at Harvard, the Debating Union was organized by a group of men who graduated last year. Whether it will prove a permanent addition to Harvard institutions depends upon the enthusiasm with which a new college generation carries it on. An inexcusably late start this year may well be offset by selecting topics which will produce lively discussion at each meeting.

Tonight's program promises heated argument well above the level of the monthly meeting of the Ladies' Missionary Society. Mr. Frederick J. Libby, possibly the most ardent, and assuredly the best known, pacifist of the United States will expound his views. He is relentless in his opposition to the preparedness propaganda of the Junkers who argue

"We don't want to fight, but by

Jingo, if we do.

We've got the ships, we've got the


men, we've got the money too."

If one may judge by last year, the Military Science department will be on hand to throw a few hand grenades into the pacifist ranks. "Blow bugle, blow: set the wild echoes flying!" The pacifists have declared war without quarter upon the forces of war.
