

Candidates to Meet at Arena at 4.30 Today--Second Assistant Manager Competition Also Gets Under Way

The hockey season will get under way today, when Coach Bigelow meets candidates for the University team at the Arena at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon. The entire squad will immediately go on the ice, instead of holding a preliminary meeting as in former years.

Since the squad will get on the ice a week sooner than last year Coach Bigelow will have much more time to look over all the candidates and to test their relative merit instead of relying on past performances in deciding whom to cut and whom to retain.

"I want to see every man on the ice Monday afternoon", he said last week, "who thinks that he has the slightest chance of making the squad. I should even like to see men come out for the team who think they haven't any chance, because after all I may see possibilities in a man which he himself is not able to detect."

Only Five Letter Men Lost

There should be no lack of good timber this year, with but five letter men lost through graduation, and a wealth of ability from the unbeaten Freshmen of last year.


Unless the weather becomes a great deal colder in the near future, it is not likely that the Freshman candidates will be called out as early as usual. It seems probable that they will have to wait for natural ice, instead of commencing practice in the Arena.

The second assistant manager competition will open today with a meeting of all candidates at the Athletic Association at 1.30. Only Sophomores are eligible to compete. Manager Cushman and Assistant Manager Woodworth will explain what is expected of the men. The competition will last approximately 12 weeks.
