The Women's Christian Temperance Union in national convention at Chicago comes out strongly in favor of the "great American uplift." Since Volstead, this triumphant organization has taken the whole field of public morals for its own. There is not a crime, from smoking of "the foul and filthy weed" to the waging of war, which it does not now consider its legitimate "meat."
Most significant of the pledges made at Chicago is that to save the flapper and the sheik from each other. Worthy matrons and spinsters are horrified at "the changed mode of living today which is so vitally different from that of our grandparents." The frankness of modern manners is all wrong, they say.
It is the weary cry of the older generation against the younger which has outstripped it in the race. Other societies for the enforcement of virtue as interpreted by themselves will join the movement. But their efforts are fore-ordained to failure. The younger generation will persist in the enjoyment of its new found freedom until it in turn becomes the older generation. Then it too will inevitably cry out against the changing times.
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