The University polo team will play a practice game with the One Hundred First Cavalry team this afternoon, it was announced last night by Captain S. F. Clark, coach of the team. This is the second practice game of the year, and its result should show whether the University indoor trio is as strong as it is reported to be.
Another shift has been made in the line-ups of the two teams. F. D. Stranahan '25 has been raised to Team A, and J. H. G. Pell '26 has been dropped to Team B. This shift came as the result of the recent practices and scrimmages which are being held in the Common-wealth Armory three times a week.
Time of Yale Game in Doubt
Final arrangements have not yet been made with Yale regarding the game to be played this Friday night at the New Haven Armory. It is possible that the contest may be postponed until Saturday morning, but in any case it will be played off before the Harvard-Yale football game takes place in the afternoon. It is expected that the Crimson indoor team will use the horses which the Yale team has offered.
As a result of the recent shift the men are playing as follows:
Team A.--G. E. Kent '25, last year's captain, back: F. D. Stranahan '25, number one: Alexander Shaw '28, number two.
Team B.--L. M. Gibb '25, back: J. H. G. Pell '26, number one; R. A. Pinkerton '27, number two.
These line-ups are subject to change at any time, and Coach Clark has not yet decided what the line-up will be against Yale.
The officers' team, the appearance of which has been looked for continually, will not be formed until after the November grades have been made up. This team will consist of the officers in the Military Science department in the University.
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