That Harvard must depend on spirit to down the Bulldog becomes more and more evident each day. Had those men who were injured in the Dartmouth, Boston University, and Princeton encounters recuperated as was hoped that they would, matters would be taking on a different aspect as the final battle of the 1924 season approaches.
As things stand now 22 of the 46 men on the University squad are on the doctor's list. Not all, fortunately, are in a serious way. The condition of the following is causing the coaches a good deal of concern: Adie, Daley, Miller, Zarakov, Cheek, Nash, Gehrke, Spalding, and Gamaohe. The last two named were hurt on Saturday. Gamache is likely to return to action within a day or two. Spalding is on crutches, which makes his chances of rapid recovery seem slim.
Too Many Two-Week Injuries
As Dr. Richards said yesterday after practice to a group of reporters that surrounded his car. "Most of these men have two-week injuries, and we have but one week in which to cure them." He confidently expects, however, that several of the above listed men will be able to face the Elis.
Two others were missing from practice yesterday, Maher and Coady. Both were slightly shaken up by the Bear, but will surely join Captain Greenough's ranks in a day or so.
Cold Drives Squad From Stadium
The biting cold yesterday afternoon drove the entire squad to the seclusion of the baseball cage and locker building, where the Brown game was carefully gone over and the faults of the team pointed out. The line-ups in the cage were continually being changed: The following was the strongest combination at any one time: ends, Chase and Dean; tackles, Lindner and Taylor; guards, Dunker and Theopold; center, Greenough; quarterback. Stafford; backs, Hammond, Sayles, and Howe.
Psychology on Harvard Side
If football psychology can be expected to work this week as it has so far this season, Harvard has more than an outside chance of defeating Yale. The Crimson was favored to beat Princeton. But the Tiger attacked Cambridge with more ferocity than it had ever before shown and returned to Jungle town crown in hand. A week later the Elis, slightly the underdogs in betting, repeated this performance in a less spectacular way, and brought the crown to New Haven. Next Saturday Harvard will be on the short end of the betting when it invades New Haven. History has but to repeat itself and John Harvard will wear the crown.
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