Princeton, N. J., Nov. 15, 1924. As the throngs of disappointed Tiger rooters filed out of Balmer Stadium Saturday after witnessing the defeat of one of the strongest combinations Nassau has had in many years, they had but one hope, which was that Harvard would tie the Big Three championship next Saturday. But outside the Stadium gates they met countless newsboys shouting, "Brown beats Harvard. Read about the Crimson defeat."
Yale Superior in Every Department
The fact that John Harvard failed to produce a comeback made the Eli victory all the more significant. "Yale vanquished the team that annihilated the Crimson the week before, while Harvard apparently failed to show any improvement", such was the train of thought running through everyone's mind. In every department of the game except punting the Blue had shown itself superior to the Tiger. Yale out-rushed, out passed, indeed thoroughly outplayed its opponent.
Princeton Team Weakens
How could Captain Greenough's team ever defeat, such a combination as this? The answer to the question is not lacking. The Nassau combination which had torn the grass off in the Stadium a week ago, slipped and floundered vainly on its own sod. Gone was the vicious charge; gone was the impregnable defense: the Tiger had become a purring kitten.
A few facts impressed the Crimson observer, particularly in the first quarter when the Elis had been forced to their five yard line, in such a position that when they lined up the offensive fullback was directly behind the goal posts. A kick would have been a gamble at best, so the Blue pilot signalled for an off tackle play. With astounding perfection the Yale forwards opened a wide gap, and Pond huntled through for 20 yards.
Yale Passes Spectacular
Two spectacular catches of forward passes remain among the unforgetable incidents of the battle. The first followed shortly after Pond's dash from behind the goal. When a fast pass sailed several feet over the heads of the Princeton team, Bench of Yale leaped into the air and snatched it for a 15 yard gain.
In the third period there was an even more spectacular performance. A pass directly over the center of the line was diagnosed by three Tigers and they rushed toward Pond, who was to receive it. He was knocked over by their onslaught just as the pigskin came within reach, but by an almost superhuman effort he lurched forward as he fell and grabbed the ball from the midst of his opponents.
Yale attempted six drop kicks. Five were badly mixed up, but the one that was successful more than made up for the others. Whether it was intuition or implicit faith in Scott's toe that impelled Bunnell to call for a drop kick when he had only one yard to make in one down will never be known, but the result justified his choice. Standing on the Tiger's 44 yard line, Scott booted a powerful kick that sailed between the uprights as perfectly as if propelled by a machine.
Many other points of the encounter were worthy of note, but these, perhaps, were the outstanding ones. To the Crimson observer the general impression was that Yale was dangerously powerful in all departments of football, and on only one occasion did the power fail; after the game when hundreds of undergraduates tried to tear down the goalposts. Ten minutes hard work availed naught The Palmer Stadium goals were made of Iron pipe:
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