

Spalding, Gamache Are Only Casualties--Gehrke and Cheek Will Return to Team Early This Week

By losing to Brown 7 to 0 last Saturday the University eleven lost a golden opportunity to regain the entire confidence of the undergraduate body and also to bolster up its own morale. Nevertheless the outlook for the coming weekend is not altogether gloomy, despite Yale's wonderful showing against the Tigers.

In the first place, the Harvard line showed tremendous improvement against the Brunonians. The highly-touted Brown backs found the Crimson front almost impossible to penetrate. Fully two-thirds of the Brown yardage was gained outside of tackle. It is extremely unlikely that the visitors would have scored but for the break that gave them the ball on the 29-yard line. Never again in the game did they work their way closer than 30 yards to the Crimson goal.

Harvard's Line May Baffle Yale Attack

This improved line showing cannot be underestimated. It means that Yale will have to fight for every yard Saturday. Those gloom dispensers who are figuring the Eli score against Harvard by adding 34 to 10 are reckoning without the Crimson forwards. Yale will be the favorite. It would be foolish to hint otherwise. The prospect of a run-away score for the Blue is, however, remote, with the Crimson line functioning as it did yesterday.

Coady and Lindner were mountains of strength at the tackles. Theopold played his best game of the year and Dunker showed that he is decidedly back in shape to play. As long as his strength lasted, he was the life of the line. Greenough, playing his first game at center, had a bit of trouble with his passing, but his defensive play was above criticism. The ends, Dean in particular, were at their best.


Regular Backs Are Ready

The other main consolation for Harvard is that the first-string backfield will be ready Saturday. The offense is the big Crimson problem. The best defense in the world cannot assure anything better than a tie. If Harvard is to beat Yale, it must show infinitely more offensive power than it has so far this season. With Gehrke and Miller once more in the backfield, the likelihood of a renovated offense increases a hundred fold.

No additions to the doctor's list have been reported as a result of Saturday's encounter, with the possible exception of Spalding and Gamache. The former twisted his knee and was on crutches yesterday, but he is not expected to be out of the Yale game. The latter has a leg injury that will probably not prove serious.

A busy week is ahead at Soldiers Field. The University squad is confronted by a gigantic task. It is, however, facing that task in an optimistic, albeit a deadly serious frame of mind. Yale's victory over the Tigers has helped the Harvard mental attitude rather than hurting it. The feeling among the players is that a close battle is certain, and that a Harvard victory is very, very far from impossible. "The policy framed by the maidenly fears of squeamish old tabby cats has reduced Boccaccio to the position in the undergraduate mind of a pleasantly indecent myth."

"The next books I looked up," says the editorial writer, "were certain psycho-analytical works by Havelock Ellis; the catalogue referred me to the Philosophical Library in Emerson Hall, where I found the books I was looking for were some of them listed, but were none of them in the places they were supposed to be."

The writer compares Princeton liberalism, where the shelves are open to all-comers, to this Widener policy. He lays a good deal of the blame on the backs of officials of the library who have taken upon themselves an authority that does not belong to them. "The Widener Bureaucracy" is to blame in his opinion.

Comment on the article was not very general on Saturday as but few had had the opportunity to read the Advocate. Mr. Briggs, when intreviewed, said that he disliked the vindictive attitude of the writer but that all criticism was always to be welcomed. "The Library Council", he said, "is the group to which to appeal for any change in rule and it will give any such appeal its intelligent consideration."

Professor A. C. Coolidge, who is the Director of the Library Council, was reached on the telephone. He had not yet read the article and therefore had no comment to make. Mr. W. C. Lane, the Librarian, also made no comment.

It is expected that the Library Council will issue an official statement in the near future in answer to the attack
