

"The Age of Reason"

The Harvard Crimson assumes no responsibility for the sentiments expressed by correspondents, and reserves the right to exclude any communication whose publication may for any reason seem undesirable. Except by special arrangement, communications cannot be published anonymously.

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

May I say a few words in reply to the correspondent who censured the lack of interest displayed by the men who failed to attend the mass meeting yesterday. He seemed to share the popular delusion that loyalty to the University and loyalty to the Eleven are synonymous. It is a peculiar type of loyalty, which manifests itself only in regard to football, but does not include support of any other branch of activity, athletic or otherwise.

The preeminence of football is due entirely to the fact that its spectacular features appeal to the public. This is its only claim to distinction. The accessories of the game apparently do not have the same hold on the popular fancy Undergraduates are not to be blamed if they prefer to spend their time otherwise than in listening to a standard fight talk garnished by profanity, meaningless assertions of "We'll beat so-and-so," and vociferous exhortations to get behind the team. To some, this sort of thing may seem sacred, but the majority of students are no reason why the squad should need or deserve continual demonstrations of their approval. The honor men do not expect the gratitude of their fellows; the debaters need no mass meeting to inspite their efforts the track men do not curl up and quit if the Stadium is not filled with an enthusiastic throng. The best interests of the University are not necessarily served by a winning football team nor the best spirit exhibited by support of one Harvard's claim to greatness does not rest upon the same grounds for fame which can be possessed by almost every academy or suburban high school throughout the country. Yours very truly.   Gerard D Reilly '27
