After it became known yesterday that the La Follette--Wheeler Club had been evicted from Apthorp House, the Liberal Club extended an invitation to the organization to share its quarters on Winthrop Street. The letter follows: "Mr. L. R. Brown, President, Harvard La Follette-Wheeler Club, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
"Dear Sir:--
"We are sorry to note that the La Follette-Wheeler Club has been denied the privilege of maintaining its headquarters in Apthorp House. It seems to us unfortunate that any political club, whatever its creed, should be deprived of facilities for carrying on its campaign work.
"The Harvard Liberal Club was founded with the central purpose of giving fair opportunity for the free expression of all shades of opinion. As a club we are not pledged to any creed, nor, in a campaign, to any candidate. At present, therefore, we feel that the respective supporters of La Follette, Davis, and Coolidge should be equally unhampered in laying their facts before the college.
"Accordingly we are glad to invite the La Follette--Wheeler Club to make its headquarters in the Liberal Club house at No. 66 Winthrop Street. In doing this we wish it clearly understood that we should extend a similar invitation to either of the other clubs were they similarly embarrassed. "Very sincerely yours, "Sterling Dow, "J. Laurence Dunham, "Chester T. Lane. "Officers."
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