Although the first match of the Harvard University Fencing Team is still far away, Coach Danguy is giving his men rigorous raily training.
The squad this year will have the advantage of practising in semi-official matches against the Boston Athletic Association team, which will be composed largely of last year's University Team, the Lane brothers, Fleer, Shearn, and Watson. These men, who are in Graduate Schools of the University, will probably play for the Boston Athletic Association under the supervision of Coach Danguy who coaches the Boston Athletic Association fencing team in addition to his duties at Harvard.
A tentative schedule, which was announced, is as follows: It is possible that among the University's rivals Princeton's rowly-formed fencing team may be included. Last year, although Princeton had a fencing, team, it lacked a coach. It is expected that a coach will be engaged this year, and that Princeton will place a team in the Intercollegiate Fencing Association.
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