The announcement that the La Follette-Wheeler Club of Harvard has made its campaign headquarters in Apthorp House has caused much disturbance among its occupants. Those who align themselves with the older, and, they claim, more respectable, parties, contend that Apthorp house, the home of so many old Tory traditions, is not the place for the most progressive, and radical party to locate itself.
Apthorp house was built in 1760 by a rich Tory family. It was confiscated by the patriot party during the revolution. General Putnam made it his residence for a short time, then three companies of troops were quartered there, and finally General Burgoyne in 1777 was kept a prisoner in it. After the revolution it changed hands three times, each owner becoming financially ruined. Thus Apthorp House has carried down with it during the years, tradition of bad luck. This was amply illustrated last year when members of Apthorp House lost a monkey. It is an open question now whether the La Follette-Wheeler Campaign at Harvard will also suffer from the ill fated destiny of Apthorp House.
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