All of the University's future football opponents were victorious Saturday. Princeton was the only one to be scored upon.
The Middlebury eleven, which plays in the Stadium, this week, defeated Union College 16 to 0. Holy Cross defeated St. John's College of Brooklyn 28 to 0. Dartmouth encountered McGill University of Montreal and defeated the Canadian eleven 52 to 0. Boston University was victorious over the University of Maine by a score of 6 to 0. Princeton defeated Amherst 40 to 6. Brown defeated Colby 45 to 0 and Yale defeated the University of North Carolina 27 to 0.
Middlebury 16, Union 0
Middlebury showed on Saturday, that Harvard will have trouble this week in proving that last year's 6 to 6 game was an accident. Downing Union 16 to 0, the Vermont college eleven showed an evenly-balanced attack with speed still the predominant factor. Whitney and Klenenow, the two backs who starred against the University last fall, showed conclusively that they have not lost the proficiency with their toes that cost the Crimson a victory. The last score chalked up against Union on Saturday, was a beautiful dropkick by Whitney from a very difficult angle on the 25-yard line.
Union threatened the Middlebury goal only twice and it was exceptional punting that saved the Vermont team on both occasions. The first score of the game was made by Potter, another veteran of last year's plucky team, who caught a forward pass and ran 23 yards for a score. Captain Klevenow kicked the placement goal. In the last quarter, the Middlebury forces staged an offensive that swept everything in front of it, until Klevenow again scored, this time from the five yard line on an off-tackle play. Immediately after this, the Vermonters swept down the field again in an offensive that ended with Whitney's goal from the field.
Holy Cross 28, St. John's 0
In spite of a brilliant display of interference, line strength and offensive drive, it was to its remarkable vigilance in following the ball that Holy Cross owed its 28 to 0 victory over St. Johns on Saturday. Every score but one contained something of the element of a fluke, but was made possible by an alertness that overwhelmed the St. Johns team in the first half. The first score, a goal from placement, bounced around between the uprights and the bar of the goal posts, finally falling on the playing field, but it was allowed by the referee. The second was a brilliant piece of open field running when Glennon carried a kick through the entire visiting team for a touchdown. In the second period, Crowley intercepted a pass to run 26 yards for a score. Howde, the Worcester guard, recovered a fumble that paved the way for another tally, and the final touchdown came when Crowley again pulled an enemy pass out of the air, this time on the 35 yard line.
In spite of these breaks, Holy Cross gave proof of potential power. The backs, led by the giant Crowley and the elusive Glennon tore great holes in the opposing line, and behind good interference, gained almost at will around, the ends. Crowley starred on the defense as well.
In the last half a substitute team was held scoreless by the St. Johns eleven which kept the play in the Worcester territory most of the time. Twice they carried the ball by a series of line plunges to the five yard line, and twice they were held scoreless by the stubborn resistance of the Holy Cross line. Whether they had one or not, the Holy Cross quarterbacks revealed no aerial attack, confining the play to straight football.
Dartmouth 52, McGill 0
Hanover played host to the Canadian eleven from McGill University on Saturday for the first time since 1882, and gave the visitors a decisive if not cordial welcome. Six touchdowns crashed over the McGill line. Hammering line plays and a well developed aerial attack featured the Wah-Hoo-Wah offence. One pass, from Oberlander to Robinson, went for 45 yards, while the Green team completed five out of its eight attempts, all of them for long gains.
For the first time in many years, football enthusiasts had an opportunity to see and compare the Canadian and American styles of Football play. The Montreal eleven found its greatest difficulty in combating the elaborate and crushing interference of the Dartmouth team. The Canadians' big asset, on the other hand, was a lateral pass which accounted for most of their five first downs, although Coach Hawley had been drilling his men intensively to meet such an attack.
Oberlander and Robinson, in the halfback positions, assure Dartmouth this year of a defensive and offensive strength greater than they have had for a long time. They bore the brunt of the attack on Saturday and piled up most of the scoring.
Boston U. 6, U. of Maine 0
Boston University had the narrowest squeak of Harvard's future opponents. Just six points marked the difference between B. U. and the University of Maine when the referee's whistle ended the game on the Maine team's field. Outplayed in every department of the game, it was a recovery of a Maine fumble in the first quarter inside the Maine 10 yard line that decided the game. The losers outrushed the B. U. eleven, gaining 13 first downs to seven. The B. U. team missed up all of its nine attempts for forward passes.
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