An interesting sidelight on the French policy of thorough military preparation is revealed by the assertion of the moderate conservative Journal des Debats that Denmark's new policy of complete disarmament is a crime. Just why it is a crime does not appear, although the editors of the Journal may deem any policy criminal which is not in accord, with their cherished ideals.
M. Munch, Danish delegate to the League, in announcing this step, merely avowed that armaments are useless to small nations, for they are allowed to use them only as the pawns of great powers. He argued that disputes between small nations must henceforth be settled by round table discussions or by arbitration between the backers of the midget countries. If not, their Lilliputian quarrels will again serve as pretexts for gigantic struggles whose real sources lie deep in the persistent rivalries of the great powers.
Whatever the practical results of this disarmament, it will doubtless produce considerable rejoicing among historians, for it will skim from the troublous ocean of international causes its deceptive surface of oil. After the next war apologists of the great powers will scarcely be able to plead intervention--for protection of tiny states, involved in unequal struggles--as the lawful motive for participation.
When only the larger nations are left armed, public opinion will either force them to join their smaller brethren in a policy of disarmament, or will make them accept responsibility for future trouble. And the nation which will brave the scorn and contempt of a peacefully inclined world will indeed be an all powerful one.
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