"Feeding them raw meat", was the expression used by the Hon. Frank Wheeler Mondell, of Wyoming, to describe some of the material he used in an address to 300 members of the Republician Club at the Union last night.
Speaking of Republician policies he said, "We haven't anything we want to forget. We could take all the platforms the party has ever written and pledge ourselves to them here, tonight."
"Get Out The Vote!"
Mr. Mondell began by discussing the relation of college men to politics. He said that it was unfortunate "that those who are best trained and qualified to exercise the duties of citizenship seem to be the most inclined to shirk them." Referring to the "Get out the Vote" movement he exclaimed, "Vote wisely or unwisely, but Vote."
Astute Lawyer vs. Battering Bob
Mr. Davis and Mr. LaFollette he described at length, contrasting John W. Davis the "astute lawyer" with "Battering Bob" of Wisconsin, and then comparing them both with President Coolidge, whom he pictured as possessing the simple and worthy virtues of Lincoln, "in honesty, courage, trust, and faithfulness, Calvin Coolidge and Abraham Lincoln are one."
The speaker defended the protective tariff as a permanent Republican policy and referred briefly to the Republican record of economy in his closing remarks.
Julius Wadsworth '25, of the Republican Club was chairman and introduced the Hon. Louis A. Coolidge '89, who presented Mr. Mondell to the audience as a true representative of the Republican party.
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