

Coach Farrell Looks for New Stars in Freshman Cross-Country Run

The first of a series of Freshman interdormitory cross-country meets will be held on Soldiers Field on Monday afternoon at 4.15 o'clock. The series is a novelty, for in former years only one interdormitory cross-country run has been held in a season.

The novelty is important because these runs are to serve as informal time trials which will influence Coach Farrell later in the choice of a Freshman cross-country squad. He hopes to find a number of stars in these trials, as many prominent University runners have been discovered in these informal meets.

At the first run of the series, a permanent captain will be elected to head each of the dormitory teams.

It is worth nothing that B. R. Cutcheon '25, Campbell Newhall '24, both "H" men, and E. C. Haggerty '27, all got their start in long distance work by competing in Freshman interdormitory races.
