Fifteen officers of the United States Army and Navy entered the Graduate School of Business Administration this fall. The department's at Washington, according to Assistant Dean Livermore, are training these officers in business administration that they may have trained men on hand when the government at some uncertain date in the future organizes a School of its own.
There follows a list of the officers enrolled this fall: Captain J. H. Balmat, Lieut. R. F. Batchelder, Lieut. J. F. Battley, Major C. R. Baxter, Lieut. L. D. Booth, Lieut. J. B. Carroll, Captain D. H. Hanes, Colonel Samuel Hof, Captain H. W. Keller, Lieut. J. C. Molder, Ensign M. A. Norcrosse, Ensign A. P. Randolph, Lieut. G. H. Shattuck, Lieut. C. M. Simpson, and Lieut. J. E. Wymond. The second year officers are: Lieut. R. V. Adams, Lieut. J. D. Boyle, Major S. S. Creighton, Lieut. L. A. Elliott, Captain E. D. Ellis, Captain G. C. Irwin, Lieut. W. V. Fox, Major E. C. Jones, Lieut. Col. L. S. Morey, Major N. W. Riley, Major H. K. Rutherford, Lieut. R. C. Sanders, Major W. R. Weaver, and Lieut. G. F. Yoran.
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