The annual fall regatta begins today at 8.15 o'clock. The schedule of races given below includes events for this afternoon, tomorrow and Thursday. All men who have not won a race in former regattas are eligible for entrance.
All races will be held over the half-mile course upstream from the Larz Anderson Bridge. About 30 men have already signed up in the blue books in Newell and Weld Boathouses.
The only event open to Freshman rowers is the wherry race, and winners in that contest will score points for their respective dormitories. The University events are open to graduate students and all others interested.
Winners of the races will receive fall regatta medals, and men capturing second places in races in which more than two men compete will also receive medals.
Last year there were a great many entries in the regatta. H. W. Stabler '25 won the University singles, and J. L. Mumford '23 and A. B. Cassedy won the pair oared race. J. J. Crooks '25 and J. B. Keogh '25 were the winning team in the doubles event. The compromise race was won by W. E. Stillwell '25.
A program of this year's regatta follows:
3.15 o'clock--Freshman Wherry Race. First heat.
3.30 o'clock--Freshman Wherry Race. Second heat.
3.45 o'clock--University Singles. First heat.
4.00 o'clock--University Singles. Second heat.
4.15 o'clock--University Wherry Race.
3.15 o'clock--Freshman Wherry Race. Finals.
3.30 o'clock--University Compromise Race.
3.45 o'clock--University Doubles Race.
Thursday, October 30
3.15 o'clock--University Singles. Final.
3.30 o'clock--University Pair-Oar Race.
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