

University and Freshman Candidates to Meet in Squash Building--Expect Strong Material for Team

The 1924-1925 Squash Racquets season will start tomorrow afternoon at 5.30 o'clock in the University Squash Building, when Coach Harry Cowles and Captain W. P. Dixon '25 will address a meeting of all those interested in squash.

Plans for the coming season are not definite as yet, but there is promise of much interesting play in the Massachusetts Squash Racquets League. The first University team will enter the Class A division, while the second team will play in the Class B division. Last year the University first and second teams were successful in winning both series. Captain Dixon of last year's team, and also captain this year, was the state champion last year, and has every prospect of repeating his feat this year. The other letter men who are in the University this year are G. D. Debevoise '26, J. J. Glessner '25, R. P. Rose '25, and E. M. Upjohn '25. With apparently only one position on the first team in much doubt, Coach Cowles should have little difficulty in turning out a strong combination. Among last year's Freshmen, who are particularly promising, are P. M. Lenhart '27, R. B. Merriman '27, and H. N. Rawlins '27, Rawlins, winner of last year's Freshman tournament and captain of the Freshman team, made an exceptional record for himself. During the whole season he was only once defeated, and was the champion of the Class B League of the Massachusetts Squash Racquets Association.

The annual squash tournament will begin on Monday, November 3. This year it will be limited to undergraduates of the University, though heretofore it has been open to the whole University. The regular Freshman season will begin early next week, while entries to the University tournament will be closed on Friday, October 31, at 5.30 o'clock. There will be a meeting of second assistant manager a candidate tomorrow at 1.30 in the Squash Building.
