

This evening in Jordan Hall a concert of music for the violoncello by Jean Bedetti, first cellist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and accomplished soloist. His program comprises Tscherepnine's "Rhapsodie Georgienne", Boulanger's Piece in C-sharp Minor and Cassado's "Olle mi Tierra".

Wednesday evening in Jordan Hall, a concert by Arthur Hartman, violinist.

Thursday evening in the same place a concert by Jean Nolan, mezzo-soprano. Varied pieces from eighteenth century airs to Irish folk-songs fill her program.

Friday afternoon and Saturday evening in Symphony Hall, the fourth pair of concerts by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Koussevitzky. The program is comprised of Weber's Overture to "Oberon", Roussel's Symphony in B-flat and three excerpts from Wagner: the "Venusberg music" from "Tannhacuser"; Siegfried's Funeral March from "Goetterdaemerung", and the Prelude to "Die Meistersinger".

Friday evening in oJrdan Hall a concert by Carmela Ippolito, capable local violiniste. She will play a Sonata of Pizzetti, the Tschaikovsky Concerto, a Romance of Sinding and the "Witches' Dance", Paganini-Loeffier.
