

Classmate Describes Former President as Harvard Freshman

"The first time I saw Theodore Roosevelt was in October 1876," said the Rev. Bradley Gilman '80, a classmate of the late president, the anniversary of whose birthday comes today. The meeting was in the transept of Memorial Hall, where Roosevelt was speaking to two of his friends. The Rev. Mr. Gilman went on to describe his illustrious classmate:

"Roosevelt emphasized his points by vigorous movements of his head and by striking his right list into his left palm. He was a lad of medium height. His slightly curling hair was a light brown color, and he were side whiskers. Behind his spectacles I could see his keen blue eyes flash, and he seemed entirely absorbed in his speaking. His words poured out rapidly, and he fairly stammered in his eagerness to express his ideas. He frowned as he talked, yet at times he paused and smiled. And I noted for the first time, his singular yet winning expression as his short upper lip bared his teeth.

"Who is he?" I asked of the friend with me. And the reply came, with an amused smile, 'Oh, that's Teddy Roosevelt, one of our '80 men!"
