"The team is going into the game with set jaws, and with determination stamped on the faces of the men to beat Harvard," Cyril Aschenbach, captain of last year's Dartmouth team told an enthusiastic mass meeting of 1200 cheering Dartmouth undergraduates and alumni at the Boston City Club last night.
"But the members of the coaching staff are not as confident as you," Captain Aschenbach continued. "In Harvard we have a worthy opponent. Let us analyze the situation. Harvard's team is better than last year. Of that we have no doubt. This year Dartmouth had five letter men back. It has been a terrific job for the coaches to work this into an efficient football machine. But we may be sure that the Dartmouth team which faces Harvard tomorrow, will be a better team than that which faced Yale last week."
Aschenbach went on to say that very few of the Alumni were making any effort to encourage good athletic material to come to Dartmouth. "We coaches cannot develop a good football team without material. It is up to all of us to bring men to Dartmouth, who will develop into good football men.
The mass-meeting frequently shook the building of the City Club with the wahhoo-wah war cry of the Hanoverians, and Governor Channing Cox, Dartmouth 1901, did not receive the weakest cheer by any means, when he took the platform to talk to the Green supporters.
"We want to see the game as it was played last year in the Stadium. We hope we will win and we expect to win. In any case, we know we may be proud of the best college we know about, Dartmouth."
Clark Tobin, a member of the Dartmouth coaching staff decried the overconfidence of the Dartmouth men.
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