

The historic land of the geisha girls, jinrikishas, and paper houses has been transformed into a bustling, optimistic country of Rotarians, go-getters, and "Service First" business men. The old Japan still moves only in the enchanting interpretations of Lafcadio Hearn. It has given way to the push of the Babbitt. An American Main-Streeter, member of the college friendship pilgrimage which has just completed an exploration of the modern Japan, is the only one who can properly eulogize the new soul of the Orient.

"The same spirit which our business men evince in fostering services is shown by Japanese Rotarians, who are among the finest citizens of their land. Practically all of them speak English; therefore anyone attending a session of Rotary in Tokyo, Yokohama, or Osaka can close his eyes and easily imagine himself at home."

Osaka, the classic home of the cherry blossom and wickedly slant eyed damsels, become another Goblier Prairie? No doubt the student representatives were asked to address the Uplift Society. It is flattering to the American sense of superiority to find no spot, however remote, which does not honor the American Main Street by careful imitation. Henceforth, the wearied American can find no lotus laden sanctuary. The Old World is imbibing the go-getter philosophy in great draughts; Doctor Frank Crane's volumes are the best American seller in France. Even the Orient, dazzled by magnificent illusions of this wonderland of material prosperity forsakes its tradition of philosophic detachment, and its business men burn the ancestral red fire before the clay-footed idol of Efficiency.
