
Yale Prepares to Meet Brown Bear

New Haven, Coun. Oct. 23.--The Yale University team held a long dummy scrimmage yesterday afternoon in preparation for the Brown game tomorrow. Coach Jones continued to emphasize the defense against forward passes and to shift his players around, seeking for trustworthy combinations. Pond was given a vacation while Captain Lovejoy and Allen were back in the line-up. At tackle Butterworth replaced Root, who was injured in Wednesday's scrimmage. According to word received from the medical advisory, he will be able to play against Brown.

The University line-up is Bingham and Lannan, ends; Joss and Butterworth, tackles; Eckart and Sturhahn, guards; Lovejoy, center; Beach, quarterback; Cottley Allen and Kline, backs

Many substitutions were made on Team A in the course of the afternoon's workout.
