With two thousand votes from the Faculty and graduate schools already in and with hundreds still coming with every mail, the CRIMSON will wind up today the University presidential straw ballot by taking the vote of the undergraduates at eight polling places located conveniently throughout the College.
The results of the poll, the most complete ever taken in the University, will be announced in tomorrow morning's CRIMSON. The totals on the candidates for the entire University will be given as well as tabulated returns by graduate schools, Faculty, and College.
Four Candidates Named
The ballots on which the undergraduates will vote today list only four candidates, Coolidge, Davis, La Follette, and Foster. Voters may write in the names of any of the three other candidates if they so desire. The ballots must be signed for checking purposes and to prevent plural voting. The names of the voters in connection with their vote will be kept strictly confidential. Undergraduates are also requested to state in the space provided whether or not they are twenty-one years of age or over. This is for the purpose of ascertaining the percentage of eligible voters in the University.
The balloting will be kept open until after the three-cornered political debate in the Union this evening. Undergraduates may wait and cast their vote in the lobby of the Union following that meeting if they so desire.
Any members of the Faculty or graduate schools who have not mailed their ballots by this morning are requested to turn them in any time today at the Crimson building or at any of the undergraduate polling places throughout the College. Ballots mailed by 10 o'clock this morning will reach the CRIMSON in ample time to be included in the poll.
The list of polling places for undergraduates with the times at which they will be open today for voting follows: Union--Before and after political debate in the evening.
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