
The Campaign At Harvard

Triangular Debate Expected to Swing Big Vote in Crimson Poll

The final act of the Harvard political campaign is to be played tomorrow evening when a triangular, three-party debate will take place in the Union at 8 o'clock.

As a final precursor of the CRIMSON'S straw vote on Thursday, the results of which will be announced on Friday morning, it is of especial interest. With the opportunity that wavering voters will have of hearing three debaters of national prominence argue on the issues of the campaign, it is probable that a great many men will reserve their final decision until after the debate has closed.

As announced before, Professor Felix Frankfurter of the Law School will represent the La Follette-Wheeler Club in the triangular battle, and Eliot Wadsworth '98, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and a member of the Board of Overseers, will argue in behalf of the Republicans.

The Democratic Club has not yet been able to announce its speaker but it is very probable that it will be represented by either Senator Carter Glass of Virginia or Former Secretary of War Newton D. Baker.
