W. W. Ingraham '25, captain-elect of the University tennis team, has been placed at number four in the Intercollegiate Rank List, which has just been issued. Paired with K. S. Pfaffmann '24, last year's captain, he was third in the doubles ranking. Pfaffmann was ranked at number 12 in the singles competition, with Alden Briggs '25 as number 14.
For the first time in the history of intercollegiate tennis, the highest laurels in both branches were won by Westerners. Wallace Scott, of the University of Washington, carried away the singles title with Lewis M. White and Louis Thalbeimer of the University of Texas combining to make up the ranking doubles team. The East, however, holds a distinct edge on the entire rank list, with Arnold Jones brilliant Yale captain, and the Columbia team of Jerome Lang and Frank Anderson in the runner-up positions.
West Takes Nop-Notch Laurels
Eastern universities are represented in the list by 17 men as compared with 11 for the West. Yale tops the list with four men ranked, but Columbia and Harvard, with three each, have a higher relative standing. The Universities of California, Texas, and Washington come next in order with two men each.
Since the first ranking of intercollegiate lawn tennis players, the championship has been awarded to Harvard men in the singles 16 times, and in the doubles 17 times. J. S. Clrk '83 was the first singles champion from Harvard in 1883, and in that year also he won the doubles championship with H. A. Taylor '86.
The rank list in singles follows:
Scott, University of Washington; Jones, Yale; Anderson, Columbia; Ingraham, Harvard; Mercur, Lehigh; White, University of Texas; Lang, Columbia; Howard, Princeton; Chandler, University of California; Bettens, University of California; Rockafelow, Colgate; Pfaffmann, Harvard; Marshall, Columbia; Briggs, Harvard; Thalheimer, University of Texas; Osgood, Dartmouth Wilson, University of Chicago; Rogers, University of Kansas; Moore, Rice Institute; Colburn, University of Pennsylvania.
The doubles ranking list is as follows:
White and Thalheimer, University of Texas; Lang and Anderson, Columbia; Ingraham and Pfaffmann, Harvard; Bettens and Chandler, University of California; Jones and Hopkins, Yale; Hosketia and Scott, University of Washington; Glaskin and Rogers, University of Kansas; Colburn and Lineej back University of Pennsylvania; Parks and Harrington, University of Oklahoma; Hubbell and Sheridan Yale.
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