

Pratt Defeats Bondi, a Seeded Player, 6-2, 6-3--Other Favorites Win

The Union singles tennis tournament preceeded through the third round and part of the fourth and fifth last week with but two upsets.

The defeat of L. H. Bondi '25 by L. O. Pratt '26 was the main upset of the tournament. Bondi, who is a seeded player, was a member of the University tennis team two years ago. Pratt's brilliant net play was largely responsible for his easy victory 6-2, 6-3. Bondi is the first seeded player who has been defeated.

G. D. Debevoise '26 advanced to the fourth round by defeating G.B. Manning '26 6-1, 6-3 D. S. Babbitt '26 defeated Clark Hodder '25, the University golf captain, 6-3, 0-1. T. E. Jansen Jr. '26 lost to G.K. Lake '26 6-4, 6-2. The only other other upset of the torunamone came when T.O. Kingsbury '27 defeated Stephen Thompson 2nd '27 9-7, 4-6, 6-3. The result of this match was a surprise for Thompson played numnumber three on the feshman team last year, whereas Kingsbury was number eight of the squade. The semi-finals are scheduled to be played tomorrow.

No upsets have accurred in the doubles mintohes, which have only reached the second round. It is expected that the finals of both tournaments will be played late this week or early next week.


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