Roland Hayes, well-known negro tenor, will give a program of Italian, German, English, and negro songs, in Sanders Theatre tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.
The concert is under the auspices of the Cantabrigian Club and the Cambridge Welfare Union.
Mr. Hayes will be accompanied on the plano by William Lawrence. The program is as fellows: 1. "Care Selve" from "Atalants" Handel Eowa Rosa Bella (La Calamita de Cuori) Galuppi 2. Maniacht (May Night) Brahms Auch Kleine Dinge (E'en Litte Things) Wolf Erhebung (Reflections) Schouberg 3. In Myrtle Shade Guffes Persian Poem (Omer Khayam) Santoliquido In the Silence of Night Rachmaninoff 4. Negro Spirituals I've got a Home in that Rock Set Down I Got a Robe You Hear de Lambs a Cryin'
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