
In Hanover Camp--

Hanover, N. H., Oct. 19--The Dartmouth eleven came home today, disappointed that victory over the Yale Bulldog was snatched from its grasp and badly battered by the Eli onslaughts. The feeling predominates the squad, however, that the gruelling battle yesterday has given the team a real test which will be of inestimable value to it for Saturday's game with Harvard.

The Big Green team impressed everyone in the Bowl yesterday with its potential power. It lacked only the finish that stiff competition brings. The preliminary games at Hanover were too easy. With the Yale game behind him, however, Coach Hawley looks ahead to Harvard with equanimity.

Physically the Dartmouth team should be in the pink of condition by the weekend. Unless unlooked for injuries turn up when the squad assembles tomorrow, the Green team will run out on the Stadium greensward intact. The one possible exception is Oberlander, backfield star. He received a terrific pummelling yesterday and left the game in a dazed condition. The expectation is however, that he will be fit after a short rest.

The Dartmouth student body straggied into Hanover today. The ralk on everys one's lips was more of the Harvard game to come than of the disappointment of the day before when the enemy line held their star backs four times on the one-yard line. The whole contingent plans to make another pligrtmage to Cambridge Saturday. The sentiment of the undergraduates seems to be that Dartmouth has better than an even chance to win.
