The twenty students who have received the highest grades in the Graduate School of Business Administration are annually elected by the editors of the Harvard Business Review to form the Student Editorial Board. This Board has charge of the student section of the magazine and edits material pertaining to research problems, "case studies", or specific business problems, and book reviews.
On Monday, September 29, the officers of the Board, which consists only of second year students, were elected. Theodore Sanders Jr., of the University of Minnesota, was elected chairman; Charles F. Larrabee, of Reed College, Washington, Vice Chairman; and William Earl Miller, of the University of Tennessee, secretary-treasurer.
A complete list of the members of the Board follows: Thomas Sanders Jr., C. F. Larrabee, W. E. Miller, A. H. Gordon, G. A. Wingar, W. L. Dayton, W. J. Merrill, F. R. Hulme, O. E. Coffee, F. D. Leete, J. A. Payne, C. W. Deeds, R. G. Fuller, C. E. Johnston, W. S. MacDonald, H. D. Blair, V. C. Norton, C. M. Peale, J. C. Bancroft, and A. J. Friedlander.
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