

H. A. A. Installs Two New Hydrants Near Wooden Stands

"No one ordered us to install any fire hydrants on Soldiers Field; we put them in of our oun accord" was the reply H. F. Parker, Superintendant of Grounds and Buildings for the Harvard Athletic Association, when asked to verify the report that Theodore A. Glynn, fire commissioner of Boston, had ordered the H. A. A. to install new hydrams on Soldiers Field because of the reported fire risk in the wooden stands at the open end of the Stadium.

According to Mr. Parker the two hydrants which have been installed, one on the East and one on the West side of the Stadium, are for the protection of the spectators who come to see the football games, in case the wooden stands should catch on fire.

The hydrants will be painted a brilliant red, and will be operated by the Boston Fire Department.
