

Harada Did Not Drop a Set in the Entire Tournament--Doubles Semi-Finals Today--Finals Tomorrow

The University Tennis Tournament closed yesterday afternoon when Take-lichi Harada, Japanese tennis star and special student at the University, walked away with three final sets with Alden Briggs '25, 6-3, 6-4, 6-0, and was awarded the Philip Nathaniel Jackson championship cup for this year.

Harada is the survivor of almost 150 tennis players who entered the tournament two weeks ago, and he came through with the startling record of not having lost a set during the course of play. His victory was expected from the start, as he has easily the greatest tennis reputation of any student in the University. In addition to being singles champion of Japan, Harada was a member of the Japanese team which contended for the Davis Cup this summer.

Had Match In Hand Throughout

The Japanese star had the match well in hand throughout. Neither player seemed able to make any cross-count placements, but Harada's speed and steadiness, and his ability to play his best tennis in the pinches were the deciding factors in the encounter.

During the first two sets. Harada seemed to take things easily, and let the set go to 3-3 in each case before he began to exert himself.


In the first set, each player took his service for the first four games; but on the fifth game, the Japanese star lost his game, giving Briggs a 3-2 advantage. This was the only time throughout the match when Briggs had the long end of the score in his favor. After losing this game, Harada settled down to business and ran the set out in four straight games.

The second set went in much the same manner as the first. Each player held his service for the first two games. A double fault by Briggs gave Harada the third game, and he captured the fourth as well.

Briggs Makes Last Desperate Stand

With the score in games 3-1 against him, Briggs started a brilliant rally. By coming in to the net and angling for the corners, he succeeded in taking the next two games, but his efforts seemed to tire him, and he dropped the following two games. With the score 5-3, each player kept his own service, giving Harada the set, 6-4.

In the final set, Harada began playing hard tennis. The first two games he ran through without losing a point. In the third, however, Briggs started a brief rally, and succeeded in piling up a 40-love advantage, but the Japanese player pulled himself out of the hole with little difficulty, and then captured the next three games in short order.

Doubles Semi-Finals Come Today

Today the semi-final rounds of the University doubles tournaments will be played off on the Divinity Courts. Wheeler and Davies will meet Gordon and Lenhart in a preliminary match, and the winners will take on Ingraham and Dixon in a semi-final match.

Harada and Briggs, after their rivalry in the singles tournament yesterday, will join forces today and compete in the second semi-final match with Paul and Raymond Kunkel. The former match will take place at 2.15 o'clock and the other at 2 o'clock. The finals will be placed off tomorrow at 2 o'clock.
