

Will Contain Individual Photographs and Write-Ups of Activities--Backed by Students and Faculty

For the first time in the history of the University Graduate Schools a "Who's Who" will be published by the Harvard Business School Club, it was announced last night.

The publication, which is backed by the entire Business School, will contain a complete record of the school, with individual photographs and information of all the students and faculty.

According to the Business School Club the volume should be instrumental in forming a spirit of unity and enthusiasm which is sadly lacking at present, due to the present quarters of the School being scattered over Cambridge and the vicinity. With the new Business School soon to be erected, and with the "Who's Who" the School should become closely bound together.

Moreover to the graduate of a School of Business Administration a book of this kind is essential, for in business contracts are all important and photographs and information concerning business men are always necessary.

The "Who's Who" will resemble very much the Freshman Red Book in that it will have the picture and write-up of the student on the same page, but the write-up will be larger and will give many more details. Like the Senior Class Album it will have pictures of all the faculty, with a brief account of what each Professor has done. It is unlike the Sophomore Class Blue Book in that the Blue Book is an old custom started once more, whereas the "Who's Who" of the Graduate School of Business Administration is an entirely new idea.
