

Will Shoot Against Yale on Morning of Football Game--Winners Get Medals

The Harvard Gun Club will open its fall season within a very short time. No definite date for the opening has been set, but in view of the meet with Yale on the morning of the Yale football game at New Haven, practice must begin soon.

The Gun Club holds a series of weekly shoots in the fall and spring and occasional matches with colleges other than Yale. It also sends its best shots to compete at the National Intercollegiate Meet in New York City.

Trapshooting has not yet been recognized as a minor sport, although there have been spasmodic efforts to secure such recognition. Therefore members of the club pay their own travelling and practice expenses. They also provide trophies for winners and high men in the various shoots. The men who shoot against Yale receive medals, and the man who makes the best score for the year receives a silver cup.

Since its purpose is to encourage trapshooting among all members of the University, membership is open to any student who is interested in the sport. Practice is held at the Boston University traps in Newton. Men interested may get further information from Charles Mason '26 at Dunster 21.
