
Mayor Curley of Boston Urges Harvard Undergrads to Back President Eliot and Defy La Follette

Aroused by the apparent listlessness of the University Democratic Club in taking up the challenge to political battle that has been issued by the University La Follette organization, Mayor James M. Curley, Mayor of Boston, issued the following statement to the CRIMSON yesterday.

"To the students of Harvard University:

"The action taken by President Emeritus Charles W. Eliot upon the choice of a President for the American republic is the same character of action that is today being considered and taken by the thoughtful men of America. The realization that it is impossible for, President Coolidge to secure a majority of the votes of the Electoral Coollege, owing to the revolt within the ranks of his own party in the West and North-west, renders it advisable, in order to avoid a debacle in National affairs which might prove disastrous to the industrial life of America, for thinking men to support the candidacy of Mr. John W. Davis, unquestionably the most attractive candidate the Democratic party has presented in a century.

"Brilliant as a legislator, skilled as an Ambassador, characterized by Chief Justice William Howard Taft as the ablest lawyer in the world, it would be possible for him to bring to the office of President qualifications rarely given the ordinary individual. The wave of unrest in the agricultural and the industrial centres of the land may be traced to the glut in the market, resulting from inability of the American Public to absorb the output of America.

"The Republican Party, its ranks rent by division, daily losing the confidence of countless thousands of thoughtful business men, presents an opportunity every individual interested in the security, and prosperity of America can take advantage of by supporting Democracy's leader, Mr. John W. Davis. The election of John W. Davis would result in the restoration of confidence through which constructive measures may be taken for the development of the commercial and industrial life of the Nation. "James M. Curley,   "Mayor of Boston."


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