

Graduation of Lane Brothers Will Be Handicap to Crimson Swordsmen

University fencing season officially opens today with practice for members of last year's University and Freshman squads from 4 to 6 o'clock in the fencing room at Hemenway.

Coach Danguy, recently returned from a European trip, expects a successful season, but must start practice early in order to develop material to take the place of the letter men who graduated last June. The absence of the Lanes, who were stellar performers for the last three years, will be keenly felt. But with Captain Durham and the members of last year's University and undefeated Freshman squads there should be an abundance of swordsmen from whom to develop a winning team both in foils and epee.

Freshman fencing for the class of 1928 will begin in the early part of November with the regular classes under the Department of Physical Education. Coach J. L. Danguy, one time world Champion at foils and member of the American Olympic Team in 1920, will instruct the Freshmen in the art.
