

College Publications All Over United States Will Attempt to Find Student Feeling on Eighteenth Amendment

Tomorrow all students in the University will be asked to give their opinion on Prohibition in a ballot which will be distributed throughout all the departments of the University.

Polls will be open tomorrow from 9 until 3 o'clock in Austin Hall, the Crimson Building, Langdell Hall, Memorial Hall, Sever Hall, and Smith Hall. Members of the faculty are not being asked to go to the polls, but are being requested to vote by means of the postal ballots which have been sent them. Ballots not returned by tomorrow night will not be counted.

The ballot is worded:

"1. Do you favor an amendment to the Constitution repealing the present Prohibition amendment?

"2. Do you favor modification of the Volstead Act to permit the sale of light wines and beers?


"3. Do you favor more rigorous enforcement of the Prohibition Amendment and the Volstead Act, to make Prohibition an actuality?" Separate answers to each of the three questions his desired.

The Bok peace award vote, which will probably be taken at the same time will be on the question: "Do you approve the winning plan in substance?"

The prohibition referendum is being conducted at the University by the CRIMSON in cooperation with College Dailies throughout the country. The Yale News is foremost among these, assisted by "The Daily Texan", "The Michigan Daily", and "The Daily Californian", each taking charge of sections of the country. The opinion of American students collectively and individually is the aim of the vote.
