With one day of the drive already past, members of the University have subscribed only $619.20 to the Student Friendship Fund for the relief of destitute European students. Three days remain until the close of the drive on Friday, January 11.
A subscription of $25 from a graduate is the largest single gift yet received, although there have been many of $5 and $10. The canvass so far has reached less than 250 undergraduates, and few replies from the graduate students, who are being solicited by letter, have been received, so that the total will probably be swelled substantially today.
With the good wishes of many of the nation's most prominent men behind it, and the eyes of other American universities who have already made large subscriptions upon it, it is felt that the University will meet the desperate appeal of European learning with a generous response. In a letter to the CRIMSON yesterday, John Grier Hibben, President of Princeton University, expressed his sympathy with the cause of relief and his confidence in the support that will be given it. Several other similar statements have been received.
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