

Close Victory in Initial Contest on Saturday Won Chiefly by Offensive Power--Defense Still Ragged

With Saturday's 38 to 31 victory over Boston Y. M. C. A. to its credit, the Freshman basketball team is entering upon the second week of its playing season with the realization that it must make a vast improvement as the important games on the schedule approach. The defence was ragged Saturday, and it was only the offensive power of the team which gained the victory.

On present indications, Leekley is the team's outstanding player. He caged seven goals from the floor Saturday coupled with seven more from the foul-line, and his floor game was very good. He might be used more advantageously at forward than at center, however, if a capable substitute were available for the latter position. Eaton and Eby, the two forwards, will be kept at their positions for the present, but Swede, Freshman Cross-country captain, is apt to displace one of them later. Swede, who gained his basketball experience at Mercersburg Academy, came out for the team only recently, but he has done effective work in practice.

Lightbourn and Malick are likely to remain at the guard positions. Lightbourn is a promising standing guard whose playing was the redeeming feature of the team's defensive work Saturday. Malick is a running guard of whom Coach Chase expects much. His work in the games, however, was not and Hease are both positions on the defence. The has also been tried at forward.
