
Subterranean Passage Runs Under Yard and College Buildings; "Harvard Is Run From Below," Declares Engineer

"Harvard is run from below," said Mr. Marck, one of the University engineers, when interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter recently in Harvard's subterranean heating plant.

"You can talk about 'Who Runs Harvard and Why' all you want," he said, "but I say that the University is run from underground tunnel by the engineering staff of the University."

Beginning at the Power House sear the river and twisting up through the Yard to Sever Hall is the heating tunnel known at the "subway." Here are the valves, pumps, reducers, and condensers which heat the college and the electric switches which control its lighting.

"Yes, sir!" continued Mr. Marck, "twelve feet underground, and we control the college! Without us down here the students would be frozen out of the classrooms and their own rooms and no work could be done after dark. University Hall wold have to suspend suspensions could not work without heart and elective light."
