The list of times and places of mid-year examinations for today and tomorrow in the College and Engineering School is printed below. Examinations begin at 9.15, except a few announced for 2 o'clock. TODAY COLLEGE 9.15 A. M. Economics B Adams to Mitchell Harvard 5 Morey to Youman Harvard 6 Economics 9b hf Harvard 6 Economics 34 Emerson J Engin. Sciences 3b Robinson Hall English A Mr. Ashby, 11 New Lect. Hall Mr. Auslander, 14 New Lect. Hall Mr. Boyce, 1, 20 New Lect. Hall Mr. Brewer, 3, 1b. New Lect. Hall Mr. Burgevin, 20, 29 New Lect. Hall Mr. Code, 17, 28 Emerson D Mr. Coues, 12, 21 Emerson D Mr. Connely, 3 Sever 5 Mr. Damon, 10 Sever 17 Mr. Damon, 16 Sever 18 Mr. Hanley, 4, 26 Sem. Mus. 1 Mr. Hillyer, 6 Sever 29 Mr. Hillyer, 9 Sever 30 Mr. Jackson, 7, 23, 27 Zool. Lect. Rm. Mr. Kempton, 18 Holden Chapel Mr. Morrison, 2, 22 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Noyes, 5 Sever 6 Mr. Taeusch, 13 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Wright, 19 Sever 23 Mr. Wright, 25 Sever 24 Fine Arts 28 Fogg Mus. French 24 Harvard 6 Government 23 Harvard 2 History 5 Harvard 2 History 37 Emerson A Mathematics 27 Emerson J Psychology 10 Emerson J Psychology 13 Emerson A Slavic 2b Emerson A Social Ethics 25 Emerson J TOMORROW COLLEGE 9.15 A. M. Anthropology 5a Sever 6 Astronomy 1a Emerson D Botany 7 Gray Herb. Economics 12a Sever 5 Economics 31 New Lect. Hall English 2 Adams to Deweese Harvard 2 Dewey to Gardner Harvard 3 Gilligan to Pope Harvard 5 Potter to Zipf Harvard 6 English 59 Sever 6 Fine Arts 2c Robinson Hall French 9 Abell to Kugell Sever 29 Lesburt to Wood Sever 35 Geography 6 Sever 6 German B Emerson J German 1a Dr. Cawley, 2 Emerson A Dr. Silz, 3 Emerson F German 2 Professor Lieder, 1 Sever 23 Dr. Burkhard, 2 Sever 24 German 3a Sem. Mus. 1 German 12a Sem. Mus. 1 Government 8 Sever 30 Greek B, 1 Sever 30 History 12 New Lect. Hall History 17a Geol. Lect. Rm. Latin 12 Sever 18 Mathematics A II, 1, 2, 3 Zool. Lect. Rm. Mathematics K Zool. Lect. Rm. Mathematics 4 Sever 36 Mathematics 8 Sever 5 Mathematics 28a Sever 18 Meteorology 1 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mineralogy 2 Mineral Lab. Music 6 Sever 35 Semitic 1 Sever 18 Semitic 6 Andover C Social Ethics 4a Emerson J Zoology 4 Emerson J 2 P. M. Philosophy A Dr. Bell, B1, B2, B3, B4 New Lect. Hall Dr. Demos, D1, D2, D3, D4 Harvard 6 Dr. Eaton, E1, E2, E3, E4 Emerson D Mr. McGill, M1, M2, M3, M4 Emerson J Dr. Underhill, U1, U2, U3, U4 New Lect. Hall Mr. Buchanan, X1, X2, X3, X4 New Lect. Hall ENGINEERING SCHOOL Engineering 73 Pierce 304 Engineering 201 Pierce 202 Engineering 225 Pierce 202 Engineering 330 Pierce 304