

The list of times and places of mid-year examinations for today and tomorrow in the College and Engineering School is printed below. Examinations begin at 9.15, except a few announced for 2 o'clock. TODAY COLLEGE 9.15 A. M. Anthropology 2  Geol. Lect. Rm. Chemistry B  Geol. Lect. Rm. Chemistry 12  Sever 17 Class. Archaeology 1a  Sever 30 Class. Philol. 47  Sever 18 Economics A Mr. Bober, B. G. I. U.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Blackett, S.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Ellis, F. P. R.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Gardner, E. J. O.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Mitchell, A.C. H. M.  Zool. Lect. Rm. Dr. Remer, D. K. N.  Harvard 6 Mr. Roberts, L. T.  Harvard 5 Economics 4a Adams to Duvey  Emerson D Eiseman to Ferguson  Emerson F Fish to Zofnass  Emerson J English 55  Emerson D Fine Arts 1a  Fogg Lect. Rm. Fine Arts 2b  Robinson Hall French 1 Mr. Sexton, 1  Sever 5 Mr. Kelsey, 2  Sever 6 German 8  Sever 6 German 25a  Sever 36 Government 4  Harvard 2 Greek B, II  Sever 30 History 13a  Sever 23 History 51  Sever 6 History 56  Sever 18 Italian 10  Sever 30 Mathematics A, VI  Sever 24 Mathematics C, IV  Sem. Mus. 1 Mathematics 2, III  Sever 35 Mathematics 13  Sever 18 Mineralogy 12  Geol. Mus. 22 Music 5  Sever 24 Philosophy 3a  Emerson A Philosophy 7a  Emerson A Physics 5  Sever 5 Psychology 22  Emerson F Semitic 11  Emerson A Spanish 7  Sever 17 ENGINEERING SCHOOL Engineering 120 (non-industrial)  Pierce 202 Engineering 141  Pierce 202 TOMORROW COLLEGE 9.15 A. M. Economics B Adams to Mitchell  Harvard 5 Morey to Youman  Harvard 6 Economics 9b hf  Harvard 6 Economics 34  Emerson J Engin. Sciences 3b  Robinson Hall English A Mr. Ashby, 11  New Lect. Hall Mr. Auslander, 14  New Lect. Hall Mr. Boyce, 1, 24  New Lect. Hall Mr. Brewer, 8, 15  New Lect. Hall Mr. Burgevin, 20, 29  New Lect. Hall Mr. Code, 17, 28  Emerson D Mr. Coues, 12, 21  Emerson D Mr. Connely, 3  Sever 5 Mr. Damon, 10  Sever 17 Mr. Damon, 16  Sever 18 Mr. Hanley, 4, 26  Sem. Mus. 1 Mr. Hillyer, 6  Sever 29 Mr. Hillyer, 9  Sever 30 Mr. Jackson, 7, 23, 27  Zool. Lect. Rm. Mr. Kempton, 18  Holden Chapel Mr. Morrison, 2, 22  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Noyes, 5  Sever 6 Mr. Taeusch, 13  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Wright, 19  Sever 23 Mr. Wright, 25  Sever 24 Fine Arts 28  Fogg Mus. French 24  Harvard 6 Government 23  Harvard 2 History 5  Harvard 2 History 37  Emerson A Mathematics 27  Emerson J Psychology 10  Emerson J Psychology 12  Emerson A Slavic 2b  Emerson A Social Ethics 25  Emerson J
