

Schoolboys Find Little Difficulty In Rolling Up 40 to 12 Score

The Freshman basketball team suffered its first reverse of the season Saturday at the hands of the powerful Worcester Academy five. The score, 40 to 12, shows how completely the Crimson quintet was outclassed.

Coach Chase's juggled line-up failed to function properly. Malick was help less on the defense at center, and was shifted back to guard after a few minutes, of play. Leekley did fairly well, but was injured and forced to retire. Captain Lightbourn was also injured. Both men may be unable to play in the Hebron Academy game tomorrow.

The summary:

Harvard 1927  Worcester AcademyEby, McCrum, Leekley, Carden, r.f.  l.g., Follett, Lischenski, SavageEaton, Leekley, l.f.  r.f., Hurley, McIntyreMalick, Leekley, c.  c., Watson, TriversHesse, Malick, r.g.  l.f., Cooley, AllardLightbourn, McCrum, l.g.  r.f., McGill, Stallma
