

"Liberty Is Privilege of Obeying the Law" Says Rabbi Levi--Hubbard Heads Student Committee

"Law is law; and law must be enforced and obeyed" was the keynote of the Student Section of the New England Citizenship Conference. Ninety-two delegates of 19 colleges heard the speeches of the three meetings during the past weekend and then adopted a set of active resolutions against student drinking.

At the Saturday evening meeting at M. I. T., Miss Cora F. Stoddard, executive secretary of the Scientific Temperance Federation, spoke of the liquor question from its moral and health aspects. A prolonged discussion of the whole question followed her talk.

Hart Discusses Legal Side

Yesterday morning at Phillips Brooks House Profesor A. B. Hart '80, speaking on the historical and legal side of the Prohibition question, appealed to the delegates to go out and make the law an actuality since it was on the statute books. At the afternoon meeting Rabbi Harry Levi of Temple Israel, said in his address. "Liberty is the privilege of obeying the law. If a law is bad we should change it, but while it is law it must be obeyed."

Delegates Approve Resolution


After the speeches, the delegates approved the resolution drawn up by the Findings Committee between the two meetings, which reads as follows:

"Whereas we believe that the question of student drinking is not entirely a moral one but essentially a legal one, since the Prohibition law is an integral part of the Constitution of the United States and must be respected and enforced as such;

"Be it resolved, that: we as college men and women shall personally make evident our disapproval of student drinking in dormitories, clubs, and fraternity houses, and especially at college functions;

"Be it further resolved, that: the various colleges be urged to take a definite stand against drinking, through their respective Christian Associations, Student Councils or Governing Bodies, and college publications.

"And be it resolved, that arrangements be made with the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association whereby copies of these resolutions shall be transmitted to officers of classes and other student activities, faculties, and alumni of colleges and Universities throughout the United States."

In order that the work of the convention might not end with its adjournment a committee, headed by R. S. Hubbard '24, and representing both men's and women's colleges, was appointed to carry on the future work.
