

Every year there is more or less complaint and recrimination about the use of reserved books in the Library Reading Rooms. A few students persist in taking unfair advantage of the liberal rules; and by hiding themselves or using some other sort of strategy, defeat the purpose of the "reserved" book system, which is to give everyone the same opportunity to use books which are in great demand. Obviously, when there are two or three books which have to be read by a whole class no individual is justified in carrying off one of those rare volumes for his own unlimited and leisurely study.

Now, as in the past, iron-clad, watertight preventive measures are not desirable, as they would handicap all the honest students and immensely increase the tasks of the Library attendants, who have their hands full as it is. But some reasonably severe treatment ought to be accorded the offenders, who in spite of their scarcity still manage to cause confusion and inconvenience. Mr. Lane, the librarian, in barring such men from the Library until after the Midyear period has chosen the punishment with justice. Those who fail to regard the privileges of others deserve to lose their own.
