(The CRIMSON invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
I write in order to have counteracted as much as possible the general impression that your account of the Hiram W. Johnson for President Club meeting--appearing in last Thursday's issue of the CRIMSON--has given. That account by innuendo has succeeded in ridiculing the meeting because of the small number of men of the University in attendance. Your reporter, however, left before any action of a practical nature had been taken by the club: before its organization had been effected, before resolutions had been drawn up and adopted and before the members reported the number of University men for whom they spoke.
Were there at the moment only seven or ten men in the whole University who desired to have Senator Johnson elected President of the United States we should be highly pleased for it is from such beginnings that all great movements grow and ten men enthusiastically working to advance a cause can accomplish more than six thousand men who are content to give a movement their passing attentions. Happily there are already on the lists of membership of the Hiram W. Johnson for President Club more than a hundred names of Harvard University men than whom there are no more devoted men dedicated to the advancement of any cause.
From your reporter's observations at the meeting the account of it that you have given is entirely justified. It is with the very best of intentions that this is written for, I believe, in all fairness the false impression that his report has given should be corrected. GEORGE E. BROWN,
Pres., Hiram W. Johnson Club of Harvard University.
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