

Will Again Have Charge of Class Rowing--Leighton General Supervisor of all Lower Crews--Cut Comes Monday

The uncertainty which during the past week has shrouded many of the apointments to Coach Stevens coaching force was dispelled yesterday evening when the final assignment of duties in the new system was completed.

According to this arrangement Sam Shaw, captain of last year's eight and right hand man to the Washington coach, will have general charge in directing the work of all Freshman crews, 150-pound included. He is to be assisted' in this capacity by William Halnes, head of the lightweight crews in 1922-23, and H. H. Halnes, coach of last year's Freshman.

The upper class 150-pound squad will be in charge of Fred Newell, also of Stevens' Washington staff, while E.J. Brown '96, class crew coach for three years past, will fill the same position for the season of 1923-24.

Leighton to Supervise Rowing

Mr. Delmar Leighton '19 has been given general supervisory authority over all rowing exclusive of the University squad. This position does not carry with it any coaching duties, but is intended to form a medium through which any of the more intricate problems of organization and co-operation between the various departments of the crew system can be adjusted. The problem of the organization of rowing at the University, which has proved to be so complicated in seasons past, is still more so this year, and it is in full realization of this fact that the present scheme has been put in force.


Work on the machines comprised the entire program at the boathouse yesterday. Coach Stevens will probably keep the men to this form of conditioning till Monday when a cut will reduce the squad to approximately 36 men, enough for four full crews. The candidates not retained on the University list will be distributed among the class and 150-pound eights.
