Team spirit ran high among the thirty-five candidates reporting for soccer practice yesterday afternoon. After a short offensive and defensive practice around the goal, Coach Welch divided the squad into two temporary teams for an hour's scrimmage during which frequent substitutions were made. New men were given a chance to show their ability and the veterans had an opportunity to limber up.
Capt. Greenidge who has hitherto played in the backfield, is trying out in a forward position. Wright and Purdy of last year's Freshman team are showing up well. Lamont is back in his former position.
For the Freshman squad eighteen men reported, giving plenty of opportunity for new candidates to come out for the team.
Coach Welch is grooming the University squad for its first practice game scheduled for Saturday.
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Soccer Squad to Hold Practice GameTen more men reported for University and Freshman soccer practice yesterday, making the squad much larger than that of last
SOCCER TEAM TO OPEN AGAINST NORTHEASTERNHARVARD NORTHEASTERN Fitton or de Bruyn-Kops, g. g., Taylor Furber or de Tarnowsky, r.f.b. r.f.b., Moran Greenidge (capt.), l.f.b. l.f.b., Kupka Brooks, r.h.b. r.h.b., Kennedy