
P. B. H. DRIVE NETS $1500

Campaign Will Continue Today and Tomorrow Morning

The annual Phillips Brooks House financial campaign made an excellent start yesterday with the first full day's contributions bringing the total collected to date to over $1500. The drive will close tomorrow noon if the College quota of $4000 is reached. Otherwise a short clean-up drive will be launched on Monday.

Since it is impossible for the collectors to reach every man in the College, the committee has asked any man who has not been seen who wishes to contribute, to leave his contribution at Phillips Brooks House between 9 and 5 o'clock, or at the Crimson Building between 8.30 and 11 o'clock in the evening. Collectors who still have money in their possession have been asked to turn it in to the committee tonight or tomorrow between 12 and 1 o'clock at the CRIMSON.

The collection is being carried on under the supervision of Gardner Cowles Jr. '25, treasurer of Phillips Brooks House, who has as district chairmen George Baker Jr. '25, Morrison Mills '25, and W. L. Boyden Jr. '25.
