At a special meeting of the Athletic Association last evening the appointment of the new crew coaches was ratified, a new rowing committee was appointed, and the track coaching situation was discussed.
In the latter matter definite action was postponed pending further information. Coach Martin has a four year contract with the University but recent complaints of the Track Advisory Committee have brought up the question of the advisability of his returning as coach for the coming track season.
The new rowing committee, chosen by Capt. B. McK. Henry '24, and approved by the Athletic Association, is composed of John Richardson '08, chairman; R. F. Herrick '90; Major F. W. Moore '93, ex-officio; C. B. Wood '98, of Philadelphia; F. L. Higginson '00; Dr. W. E. Ladd '02; O. D. Filley '06; Delmar Leighton '19; R. K. Kane '22.
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